With the intent to engage with the Airport audience at the Ahmedabad Airport, Creatigies got Vijay sales to partner with Ahmedabad Airport for the Freedom Shopping Festival 2021 from 10th August 2021 to 9th September 2021. The Festival saw promotion across various sites at the Airport featuring Vijay Sales as the powered by sponsor of the Festival. The Festival saw huge response from the passengers who scanned the QR code to participate in the festival. Three lucky winners got product vouchers worth Rs.1 lakh each from Vijay Sales free of cost.
While Festival was a month-long engagement, Vijay Sales exclusive static branding at Domestic Departure and Welcome Railing branding at Domestic Arrivals saw Vijay Sales continuing its presence at the Ahmedabad Airport including exclusive 10 sec digital media branding across 122 digital screens in a 120 secs loop.